Sunday, May 28, 2006

my blog has been too interesting

Lately my blog has been too interesting, which really bores me. All these pictures of rock concerts and exotic dancers have really taken me far away from where I started.

So let's talk about rugs. Why do they buckle? We have a rug in our hallway that buckles, but it has padding under it -- shouldn't that keep it stable? What do I know?

Also, I've had very good luck parking lately. When Destroyer played the Elbo Room, I got a space just two doors down. Those of you who live in the Bay Area (particularly in the city) will certainly appreciate how much this means (right on Valencia for crying out loud!). Those of you who do not must understand that parking three blocks or less of a venue in the Mission District is a titanic achievement.

Sarah and I saw Maria Shriver (sp?) in our local deli. She doesn't look well. I wonder what she ate... probably some kind of infused pesto bean salad reduction for 9 dollars an ounce. At least that's what all the moms buy their little well-dressed kids named Ashton Wethercock III.

More later on the objectionable people who frequent our deli -- someday I fear I may become one of them, which is why I need to listen to "Breaking the Law" and "God Gave Rocknroll to You" at least four times a day.

Friday, May 19, 2006

kiss burlesque show

For those of you who read Sarah's blog, this may answer some questions. If you don't know what I'm referring to, oh well. Here are some pics of a recent show I did with my Kiss tribute band Destroyer. We were accompanied by Madame Maraschino's burlesque dancers. They were fun, crazy, over-the top and lewd in a campy way -- in other words, they rocked -- it was a fun, packed --INSANE -- show!

I had a picture of a woman in a space helmet dancing to "Rocket Ride." I thought it was a bit risque (she's wearing very little other than the helmet and pasties), and I'm concerned about the blog being seen, so I edited it out -- do you think I'm worrying too much? I'm also throwing in one of my favorite pix of Destroyer -- backstage at TimOut in Concord.