Thursday, April 27, 2006

toilet paper, part III

Of course, as many of you know, Sarah and I recently moved to a new place in the Richmond District of SF. We like it very much, even though we miss our old place (as I told you already).

One of the first things we did about a week or so ago was bring a roll of toilet paper to the new place. There are a few things that begin the territorializing process that makes a new apartment feel like home. These might include getting your phone service transferred, having some food or a beloved piece of furniture there, or putting up a picture.

But none of these -- for me, at least -- compares to the act of putting that first roll of toilet paper on the roller, which by the way I think I heard is called a "mandrell," as in Barbara Mandrell -- does anyone know if that is true?

Monday, April 10, 2006

the mundane is not so mundane

Hey everyone,

Long time since my last post. I'm writing now because soon I'm moving out of my current apartment. Sarah and I need another room for the baby, so we're moving a short distance away to a two-bedroom.

I know it's a good idea, but I really will miss the little things in my apartment and all their associations. I find myself holding onto doorframes and staring out the windows. I guess I've come to realize that aside from the house I grew up in this is the place I've lived in the longest. I will miss it.